What is the Internet?

Krissa Thorndike
2 min readJan 5, 2021


The internet is a source of information, entertainment, and visuals. Many believe that it exists inside a metal box on your work desk or in cyber-space, but I think it lives in the data we collect and share. There are many different kinds of the internet since there are thousands of different types of data that are collected; work data, tv, videos, pictures, etc. The internet is becoming the space where we not only store our work data but the data from our lives. We put our photos, our texts, and our voices on the internet and expect them to be saved there. The internet is becoming our memory.

Photo by bert brrr on Unsplash

I think the internet is alive since it is a part of our memory and we put so much of ourselves and our time into it. It is in constant use so it is constantly changing and moving like it is alive. I love that we are able to connect with our loved ones and others across the internet and that so many resources are easy to reach. What scares me about the internet is that we don’t know exactly where our data is going. Also, if we are so reliant on the internet to keep our memories for us, are we going to not bother to try and remember the good times? The internet leaves many questions to be asked, but it is a necessary resource for many in today’s world.

Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash



Krissa Thorndike

Family and dogs are my life. I love art and music. UMW '24